Saturday, November 13, 2010

Periodic WebElements

                                                                            Kyle Stangline 3rd Chemistry

Up top is the Periodic Table.

               Old vs New

The Periodic Table didn't always used to be as it is today. There has been many changes in the table. A lot of the changes come from finding new elements, that change the shape of the Periodic Table and also different elements into different categories. Scientists find many elements every now and then that are not from nature, there are still many out there that are unknown and yet to be found.

PERIODIC LAW, "in chemistry, law stating that many of the physical and chemical properties of the elements tend to recur in a systematic manner with increasing atomic number. Progressing from the lightest to the heaviest atoms, certain properties of the elements approximate those of precursors at regular intervals of 2, 8, 18, and 32. For example, the 2d element (helium) is similar in its chemical behavior to the 10th (neon), as well as to the 18th (argon), the 36th (krypton), the 54th (xenon), and the 86th (radon). The chemical family called the halogens, composed of elements 9 (fluorine), 17 (chlorine), 35 (bromine), 53 (iodine), and 85 (astatine), is an extremely reactive family."

Element Properties

There are three different kind of Element properties.
  • Metals
  • Metalloids
  • Non Metals
In the Periodic Table posted above, the part shaded Green are Metals. The part shaded Blue are Metalloids and the part shaded Tan are Non Metals.

-Metals tend to have a lower Ionization/Electronegativity level, but have also tend to have a larger Atomic radius.

-Metalloids have similar properties as Metals and Non Metals.

-Non Metals tend to have a higher Ionization/Electronegativity level, but have also tend to have a smaller Atomic radius.


On the Periodic Table, there are 5 family's. The five family's are Alkali Metals, Alkali Earth Metals, Transition Metals, Hologen and Noble Gases.

-Alkali Metals are in group 1 and tend to have a lower Ionization/Electronegativity level, but have also tend to have a larger Atomic radius.

-Alkali Earth Metals are in group 2 and tend to have a lower Ionization/Electronegativity level, but have also tend to have a larger Atomic radius.

-Transition Metals are in group 3-12 and tend to have a lower Ionization/Electronegativity level, but have also tend to have a larger Atomic radius.

-Halogens are in group 17 and tend to have a higher Ionization/Electronegativity level, but have also tend to have a smaller Atomic radius.

-Noble Gases are in group 18 and tend to have a higher Ionization/Electronegativity level, but have also tend to have a smaller Atomic radius.

1 Property Fact

One fact is that F "Florine" on the Periodic table has the highest Electronegativity  on the table. Vise versa the Fr "Francium" element has the lowest Electronegativy on the table.

Valence Electrons 

 Valence Electrons are the the outermost electrons of an atom, which are important in determining how the atom reacts chemically with other atoms. They are also important on telling if the atom has a stable 8.

How do we determine the number of Valence Electrons a Element has? We do the Electron Configuration. Ex. 1s2 2s2  2p6 3s2 3p6 and the last number on the electron configuration is the number of Valence Electrons, and the first number is the shell.

Octet Rule

Octet Rule is a simple chemical rule of thumb that states that atoms tend to combine in such a way that they each have eight electrons in their valence shell.

The Octet Rule is different from going Left to Right on the Periodic Table. On the left the Octet Rule is +1 +2 and going to the right it goes to +3 +4 -3 -2 -1 0 Because, going to the right you have more electrons so the electrons take over the protons that you have and make the element more "negative" which would be more "active".

Valence Electrons & Octet Rule

You can predict the charge of the atom by using the Valence Electrons and the Octet Rule. To do this you have first find the number of Valence Electrons and then by finding that then you just put the Octet Rule into effect. 1 Valence Electron = +1 /// 2 Valence Electron = +2 /// 3 Valence Electron = +3 /// 4 Valence Electron = +4 /// 5 Valence Electron = -3 /// 6 Valence Electron = -2 ///   
7 Valence Electron = -1 /// 8 Valence Electron = 0.

Atomic Radius 

The radius of an element is determined on the location of the element on the Periodic Table. When going across the Periodic Table the Atomic Radius tends to get smaller. When going down the Periodic table the Atomic Radius tends to get larger.

Ionization Energy 

Ionization Energy is the energy required to remove the outermost electron in the atom. It relates to the charge of the Atom on being Positive (Protons) or Negative (Electrons) from left to right and up to bottom. When going left to right on the Periodic Table the energy needed is greater  to remove an electron. When going top to bottom the energy needed is less to remove an electron.


Electronegativity is the ability to attract an electron. It affects chemical bond in the way that if you have lower amount of electrons you have a lower chance to attract them and if you have a higher you have more of a chance to attract them. When you go left to right on the Periodic Table your Electronegativity tends to increase, but when you go down the Periodic Table it tends to decrease. 

Octet Rule Trend

Octet Rule tends to become positive from the left side but as you go to the right side it becomes negative. Example +1 +2 +3 +4 -3 -2 -1 0. Then when you go from top to bottom it stays the same.


  •  Ionization energy - the amount of energy required to remove anelectron from an atom to form a cation; alsocalled ionization potential
  • Electronegativity - the ability to attract an electron
  • Octet Rule - in chemistry, the statement that when atomscombine to form molecules they generally eachlose, gain, or share valence electrons until theyattain or share eight; also called Lewis rule of eight
  • Valence Electrons - an electron of an atom, located in the outermost shell (valenceshell)  of the atom, that can be transferred to or shared withanother atom.
  • Element - one of a class of substances that cannot beseparated into simpler substances by chemical means. Seealso chart under periodic table
  • Periodic Table - a table of the elements, arranged in order of increasing atomicnumber, based on the periodic law. Elements having similarchemical properties and electronic structures appear in verticalcolumns (groups)
  • Electrons - a unit of charge equal to the charge on oneelectron.
  • Metalloid - an element that has both metallic and nonmetallic properties,as arsenic, silicon, or boron.
  • Metal - such a substance in its pure state, as distinguished fromalloys.
  • Non Metal - an element incapable of forming simple positive ions insolution.

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